Root Canal Treatment, The Treatment Most People Fear About
Many people avoid the idea of going to the Best Dental Care In Kalyan as much as they can. It is because they think that it is a highly painful procedure. However, it is not at all true. The treatment has advanced a lot in the past few decades and today it is almost painless surgery. Hence, one should Request an appointment as soon as possible. Before going further into the details of it, let’s understand that ‘root canal’ is not the name of the treatment as most of us think. The part of the tooth which is visible above the gum is called crown, and the part which is below is called root. The tooth is attached to the jawbone through roots. The root canal is the hollow part of our tooth which contains blood vessels, nerve tissues and pulp (that are cells actually). The pulp provides nourishment to the tooth. The pain is caused by the nerves in the pulp when a tooth is exposed to extreme temperatures. How is the Root Canal Treatment done? The t...